
Chapter 134 Clearing The Island

"This should be enough..."

I muttered to myself, lifting my hands from the ground and wiping the sweat from my brow.

I\'ve spent around an hour making my preparations, carefully creating a foolproof plan to kill all of the Drakes lurking in the Lava.

Most of my time was actually spent trying to predict how these monsters would react and respond to my attacks so they could step into my carefully laid traps.

The enchantment process on another hand was actually quite enjoyable. I found myself lost in the intricate dance of imbuing every corner with various Runes and infusing the very essence of magic into each component.

Basically, I turned the whole island into a minefield.

"Let\'s get this party started..."

I said to myself, picking one of the pebbles up from the ground and tossing it toward a gill peeking out from a nearby lava pool.

As the pebble hit its mark, the Lava erupted, revealing a massive Drake that emerged from the depths with an ear-splitting roar.


Its massive body covered with obsidian scales glistened in the faint light of the molten lava surrounding us.

Its screech was so loud that it seemed to shake the very air around us and awaken another 3 Drakes that were lurking nearby.


One by one they emerged from the rivers, their hostile eyes fixed on me as I stood there, sweat dripping down my face due to the heat.

There was no turning back now.

"Come at me..."

I raised my Authority and took a defensive stance, readying myself for the approaching onslaught of the Drakes.


One of the monsters lunged forward, its massive body moving with fearsome agility as it closed the distance between us in mere seconds.


A small grin spread over my face as it drew closer.



Suddenly a deafening explosion erupted right under Drake\'s front feet, making it stumble forward and crash into the ground with a thunderous thud.

This was not all, however...


As soon as the body of the monster hit the ground, spikes sprang up from the earth, impaling the creature and inflicting severe damage.


The monster let out a pained roar, writhing in agony as it struggled to free itself from the impaling spikes.

However, its efforts were in vain as in a moment my blade coated in Mana sliced through the air, cleanly severing the creature\'s head from its body.


The lifeless body of the Drake fell to the ground with a heavy thud, its once menacing presence now reduced to a mere carcass.

"One out of four..."

I took a moment to catch my breath, feeling a rush of adrenaline and satisfaction coursing through my veins. The first Drake had fallen, but there were still three more to deal with. I couldn\'t afford to let my guard down.

The remaining Drakes growled and hissed, their eyes fixed on me, their prey. They circled cautiously, testing the ground with their massive claws, wary of the traps I had laid out. I knew they were formidable opponents, but I had a plan for each of them.

As the second Drake lunged towards me, I sidestepped with swift agility, narrowly avoiding its razor-sharp claws. In that split second, I activated one of the runes, causing the ground to crumble beneath the creature\'s weight. The Drake tumbled into a pitfall trap, its furious roars stopping as soon as its body touched the ground and multiple earth spikes impaled it from all of the sides.

A satisfied smirk tugged at the corner of my lips. Two down, two to go.

The third Drake was cunning. It circled me, its eyes glinting with malicious intent. I could sense its hesitation, knowing that my previous traps could be lurking anywhere. But I wasn\'t about to give it the advantage of time.

It could cast Fire Blast whenever it wanted, so I had to act fast.

With a swift movement, I flung a rock I\'d enchanted previously toward the third Drake, shattering it at its feet. A dense fog enveloped the area, obscuring its vision and disorienting the creature. Taking advantage of the confusion, I dashed forward and used my longsword to wound Drake and force him to retreat a few steps back.

However, as soon as he took those steps, a series of shards shot up from the ground. The shards pierced Drake\'s body, making it growl in pain.

It didn\'t take long for me to kill it with a precise strike to its neck.

I couldn\'t help but marvel at the effectiveness of my traps. The meticulous planning and hours spent infusing each component with magic were paying off. But there was no time to dwell on my success.

The final Drake, the largest and most fearsome of them all, was bellowing in rage. Its crimson eyes glowed with a mix of fury and intelligence, making it a formidable opponent. It seemed to have learned from its companions\' fates, cautiously testing the ground before taking each step.

I knew I needed something more than a simple trap for this one. As Drake lunged towards me, I leaped backward, narrowly avoiding its snapping jaws.


Suddenly smoke started rising from its body and its obsidian scales began to change color into eerie red.


Instantly, I dashed into the opposite direction of the smoke, trying to create some distance between myself and Drake.

It was finally using its skill, Fire Blast!

I had to run quickly.

I had to-


The entire island shook as if the nuke had gone off. Lava splashed everywhere, engulfing the surroundings in a wave of scorching heat and destructive force.


I looked behind me to see a heat wave barreling toward me, threatening to engulf everything in its path.


In a split-second decision, I threw myself into the Ravine where the very first drake fell, quickly jumping in to avoid being swallowed by the searing flames and molten rocks.


For a second I levitated in mid-air, looking down at the churning sea of lava below me, feeling a mixture of relief and adrenaline coursing through my veins.


I thrust my authority into the wall, immediately halting my descent and making my shoulder scream in pain.

Too much force had been exerted on my shoulder, causing it to crack under the pressure.

However, I merely blinked, not minding the \'pain\' I felt.


The massive heat wave above ground consumed the island, obliterating everything in its path.

Well, there was nothing to obliterate, to begin with, but you get the point...

It was very very powerful.


Carefully, I assessed my surroundings and slowly climbed over the ravine\'s rocky edge, moving my injured shoulder with caution.


After a minute of struggling, I was able to pull myself up and stand on solid ground again, taking a moment to catch my breath and assess the situation.

The island lay in ruins, consumed by the fiery wrath of Drake\'s devastating attack. Smoke and steam billowed in the air, mingling with the acrid smell of burnt earth. It was a testament to the power and danger that these creatures possessed.

As the dust settled, I turned my attention to the final Drake. It stood at the edge of the scorched battlefield, its smoldering gaze fixed upon me. Despite the chaos surrounding us, it seemed undeterred, its determination unyielding.

I knew I couldn\'t rely on the same traps and tactics that had worked against its companions. This Drake was different—more formidable and cunning. I needed to adapt, to think quickly on my feet.

Drawing upon my well of magic, I conjured a barrier of shimmering energy around me. It crackled with power, serving as a temporary shield against the Drake\'s onslaught. With each step it took, the ground trembled, its immense weight leaving deep imprints in the charred earth.

Drake\'s scales began turning red, preparing to unleash another torrent of fiery destruction.

However, I didn\'t even flinch or show any emotion.

Why should I? Everything was going according to my plan.


Suddenly, another explosion went off beneath Drake\'s massive form, completely tearing one of its limbs away and sending it crashing to the ground.


Obviously, the pain caused Drake to writhe in agony and forced it to divert its attention from creating another Fire Blast.

This also gave me a chance to strike.


Without wasting any time, I quickly darted toward the injured Drake, my blade gleaming in the fading light.

With a swift and strategic strike, I aimed for the vulnerable spot near its neck, where the scales were less protected.


·ƈθm With a satisfying sound, my blade found its mark and sliced through Drake\'s flesh, causing it to emit a guttural roar of pain.

However, the Drake didn\'t die immediately instead, it thrashed and writhed in an attempt to dislodge me.

Well, unfortunately for Drake, it vastly underestimated my resolve and determination.

"You will die..."

I felt a chilling smile forming on my face, but made no effort to hide it.

Why should I?

Nobody except this monster was here to witness it.

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