
Chapter 104 Different


My Authority, the Vanara Longsword, materialized in my hands with a satisfying hum. The blade shimmered in the sunlight as I twirled it, feeling its weight and balance.


Swinging it a few times in the air, I made sure my strikes were fluent, precise and powerful.

"Are you ready?!"

While I was lost in my thoughts, Robbin shouted from the other side of the arena, snapping me back to reality.

After I was done doing my physical training, Robbin brought me to a private Arena where we could practice our combat skills without any disturbances.

Although, I tried to avoid this fight since I knew Robbin was a ruthless teacher and I wouldn\'t leave the ring without bruises.


Lifting my sword and taking a defensive stance, I braced myself for what was about to come.


A slight gust of wind brushed past my cheek and I immediately ducked, knowing that if I didn\'t move, I would be knocked out cold.


As Robbin\'s fist whizzed past me, I quickly regained my footing and countered with a swift horizontal slash, aiming for his midsection. However, he effortlessly sidestepped, evading my attack with remarkable agility.

"Not bad, but you telegraphed your move"

Robbin commented, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Try to be more unpredictable. Mix up your strikes and feints to keep your opponent guessing."

Nodding, I adjusted my strategy, ready to take his advice. I lunged forward, feinting a low thrust before swiftly changing direction, aiming for his shoulder. But Robbin, always one step ahead, parried my strike effortlessly and retaliated with a lightning-fast kick toward my torso.

I managed to block his kick with my sword, but the impact sent a jolt of pain through my arms. It was clear that Robbin\'s strikes packed a tremendous amount of power.

"Good defense, but remember, don\'t rely solely on your weapon."

Robbin advised, circling me.

"Your body\'s a weapon too. Use your agility and footwork to your advantage."

I listened intently, understanding that he wanted me to be more versatile in combat. I focused on my footwork, keeping light on my feet, ready to evade or counter at a moment\'s notice. As Robbin lunged at me with a series of rapid punches, I sidestepped and aimed a quick slash at his exposed side. Yet, he twisted his body, narrowly avoiding my strike and countering with a sweep kick that knocked me off balance.

"You\'re getting closer."

He remarked, his voice filled with both challenge and encouragement.

"Keep your strikes precise, and remember, anticipation is key. Observe your opponent\'s movements and adjust accordingly."

Despite the bruises and exhaustion, I pushed myself to get up, determined to keep learning and improving. I knew that the only way to become a better fighter was to face challenges head-on, even if it meant enduring defeat.

Robbin, seeing my resolve, gave me a nod of approval before launching into another series of attacks. His movements were a blur as he unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one calculated and precise. I did my best to parry and dodge, but his speed and skill were unmatched. His strikes landed with devastating accuracy, leaving me breathless and disoriented.

As I stumbled back, struggling to find my balance, Robbin closed the distance between us in an instant. He delivered a powerful spinning back fist that connected with my jaw, sending me sprawling to the ground. The taste of blood filled my mouth as I struggled to regain my senses.

"Remember, don\'t let your guard down."

Robbin said, his voice laced with a mixture of sternness and... happiness?

"Stay focused and stay in control of the fight."

I forced myself to my feet, my muscles aching and my vision slightly blurred. I knew I couldn\'t afford to give up, even if the odds seemed insurmountable. With renewed determination, I squared my shoulders and tightened my grip on the Vanara Longsword.

Robbin circled me, studying my movements with a critical eye. He was a formidable opponent, his experience and expertise evident in every move he made. I braced myself as he lunged forward, delivering a lightning-fast combination of punches and kicks. I managed to deflect some, but others found their mark, causing pain to course through my body.

Summoning every ounce of strength and willpower, I fought back against Robbin\'s onslaught. I parried his punches and kicks as best I could, countering with quick slashes and thrusts of my sword. However, my movements were sluggish, and my timing was off. The fatigue from the previous rounds of training weighed heavily on my limbs, making each strike feeble and uncoordinated.

Robbin effortlessly evaded my attacks, his movements fluid and precise. With a flick of his wrist, he disarmed me, sending the Vanara Longsword flying across the arena. I watched in dismay as it clattered to the ground, just out of reach.

I was defenseless now, left with only my bare hands to fend off Robbin\'s onslaught. But it was clear that my efforts were in vain. His strikes came faster than I could react, landing with brutal force. Blow after blow connected with my body, each impact intensifying the pain that radiated through me.

I tried to summon my remaining strength, rallying a final surge of adrenaline, but it was futile. Robbin\'s superior skill and experience overshadowed my every move. He weaved around me, delivering strikes with surgical precision, exploiting every opening and weakness.

As the fight wore on, my movements became slower and more labored. My body screamed in protest, my muscles trembling with exhaustion. I struggled to stay on my feet, my vision swimming with dizziness. With each passing moment, the gap in our abilities became more apparent, and defeat loomed inevitable.

Finally, in one decisive moment, Robbin delivered a crushing blow to my midsection, causing me to double over in pain. Gasping for breath, I collapsed to my knees, unable to rise again. The arena seemed to spin around me as I fought to stay conscious.

\'I knew this would end up like this!\'

As I knelt on the ground, gasping for air and nursing my injuries, Robbin approached me. With a swift motion, he extended his hand and helped me to my feet. His grip was firm, yet surprisingly gentle. I looked up at him, my expression a mix of gratitude and frustration.

"You fought well, but you still have much to learn. You let your exhaustion cloud your judgment and left yourself vulnerable."

I nodded, acknowledging the truth in his words. Despite my disappointment, I knew that Robbin\'s harsh training and criticism were meant to push me beyond my limits and make me a stronger fighter. As much as it stung, I had to accept that defeat was an essential part of the learning process.

"Just remember, strength isn\'t just about physical power."

Robbin continued, his tone softening slightly.

"It\'s also about resilience, adaptability, and the ability to learn from your mistakes. Use this experience to fuel your determination and become stronger."

Before I could respond, Robbin\'s expression hardened again, and a mischievous glint flashed in his eyes. With a sudden burst of speed, he disappeared into thin air, leaving behind only the echoes of his laughter and the fading sensation of the wind.

I stood there for a moment, still catching my breath, before I turned and stumbled my way back to my apartment. Each step was heavy and labored, and I winced with every movement, but the pain served as a reminder of the intensity of the training session I had just endured.

Upon reaching my apartment, I collapsed onto the couch, feeling both physically and emotionally drained. The bruises would fade, and the soreness would eventually dissipate, but the lessons I had learned from Robbin would stay with me forever.

"Fuck this shit..."

Feeling my side hurting as if I had a broken rib, I smirked. It wasn\'t as bad as I thought it\'d be.

I was pretty certain I wouldn\'t be able to leave the arena on my own two feet, but it seems that Robbin didn\'t intend to make me disabled, at least for now.


Waiting for my muscles to relax and my breathing to calm down, my mind wandered off to the issue at hand.

How to avoid being tracked by the Royal Elven family.

I more or less knew what I needed to do, to collect the artifact that could hide my traces from others on the outskirts of the city, but getting there would be an issue.

I\'m probably in some kind of \'house arrest\', so leaving would be hard without a reason.

I already thought about it yesterday, but it was probably time to put my plan into action.

I needed to somehow invite Rose to have a picnic near the area, so we\'d have some time to \'bond\' with each other.

The problem was that to do so, I would need to, somehow, hold myself from puking how cringe it\'d be.

"This fucking body..."

I cursed Aiden for making me inhabit this weak body with an apparent backstory and fear of women.

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