
Chapter 13 Teacher

As soon as Robbin finished marking our attendance, he snapped fingers for the second time, making the notebook disappear into the thin air.

"Let\'s check your strength!"

Robbin declared, his eyes scanning the students in the classroom. Suddenly, he spread his Mana around the room, and an invisible pressure began to fill the air. Some of the students gasped, struggling to maintain their composure as the pressure intensified.

Thud... Thud...

One by one, students were forced to lower their heads on the table, unable to withstand the crushing force. Robbin continued to increase the Mana density in the air, causing more and more students to fall.

Realizing that it was time to forfeit, I decided to lower my head and fit in with the rest of the class. I could have held on for another minute or so, but I didn\'t want to draw attention to myself like some of my classmates, who were gritting their teeth and struggling to keep their heads up.

With my chin on the table, I glanced around the room and noticed that Tess and Rose were whispering to each other, while Drake was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently, waiting for the test to be over. Kai, on the other hand, had not even attempted to lift his head, choosing to ignore the teacher\'s presence entirely.


As the pressure grew stronger, one by one, the students were forced to bow their heads. Only the protagonists, excluding Kai, remained unaffected.

I could sense the anger and frustration emanating from some of the other students, their eyes shooting daggers at the teacher standing at the front of the classroom. I couldn\'t help but imagine what they were thinking.

[ How dare he? ]

[ Who does he think he is? ]

[ My family has power and influence! He\'ll pay for this! ]

[ ...Ugly, shithead! ]

Rolling my eyes, I observed as the Mana density in the air continued to increase, gradually approaching that of an E rank. Even the main characters, who had survived until now, were forced to give up.

"Good job!"

Finally the pressure receded and Robbin exclaimed, clapping his hands in approval. However, not everyone returned his smile, and it was clear that a portion of the class was already starting to resent him.

However the angry glares of my classmates didn\'t affect the retired assassin, who had faced far worse enemies than the resentful stares of angry teenagers.

"Okay, now I have a better understanding of your individual strengths..."

Robbin announced, scratching his cheek as if deep in thought.

"Hmm... how should I put it?"

A hush fell over the classroom as we waited anxiously for his assessment.

"You all are trash, except for you three. Well done!"

He finally declared, his words dripping with disdain as he pointed at all of us.

As I looked around the room, I could see the shock and disbelief on many of the students\' faces. Just within the minutes of entering the class, our homeroom teacher managed to insult almost everyone in the room, making himself a public enemy of Class A.

However, I knew that his harsh words were not meant to insult or belittle us, but rather to motivate us to work harder and strive to prove him wrong.


Robbin\'s words may have been sharp, but I knew that they were an essential component of the learning process. He was a unique and effective teacher, and I was aware that the majority of the students in that classroom would experience significant progress in their abilities over the course of the upcoming year.


A thick and uncomfortable silence suddenly hung over the classroom as Robbin\'s stare shifted to Kai, who seemed unfazed by things happening around him. No words were exchanged, and the tension in the room continued to escalate, suffocating the air with an unseen tension that seemed to permeate every corner of the space.

Drake quickly attempted to nudge Kai at his side in an effort to wake him up. However, Kai merely emitted a low growl, signaling that he preferred to be left alone.

Swish... Crack... Aghhh...

The events that unfolded next occurred so quickly that it was difficult for anyone to process what had happened.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind shook the nearby window glass, causing it to shatter and sending shards of glass raining to the ground. As the chaos unfolded, Kai\'s body was caught in another violent gust of wind, lifting him into the air as if he weighed nothing at all. The force was so strong that it propelled him out of the window, flinging him through the air like a rag doll.

The whole scene played out in a matter of seconds, leaving the rest of us stunned and bewildered by what we had just witnessed.

"Please, pay attention during my classes! That\'s all for today, don\'t be late tomorrow..."

Robbin\'s voice trailed off as he vanished from the room, leaving us in stunned silence. Many of the students remained frozen in shock, but I managed to gather myself and slip quietly towards the door, managing not to draw any attention to myself.

As I stepped out into the hallway, the noise in the classroom behind me suddenly erupted, but I wasn\'t bothered by it, as I had already made my exit.

"This is going to be very tiring..."


The man with a grey beard and black-framed glasses tapped his fingers impatiently on the armrest of the massive wooden chair, as he spoke in a low and menacing tone.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn\'t punch you right now..."

His eyes narrowed as he stared at the person in front of him, his muscles tense and ready to strike. The air was thick with tension and it seemed like the slightest wrong move could set him off.

However, before the situation escalated any further, the person being confronted calmly responded, whilst his face changed into a smirk.

"Because violence is never the answer. Let\'s talk this out like civilized people."

The man with the grey beard froze in place, looking at the person before him in disbelief. But eventually, he relaxed and lowered his arm back onto the armrest.


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