
Chapter 57 - Tales Of Hope, Of Despair

"All he told me was that it was referred to as the "Purgatory Trial", that\'s it. I know that it supposedly will help me become stronger faster."

Ren sat across from her, keeping his hands on his legs.

"I had thought your training with those three was going well, was it not? What brings about this sudden impatience?"

"There\'s nothing sudden about it...this is what I\'ve wanted from the start. You know better than anyone--I need to become better, and fast. I appreciate the training they\'ve given me...but each minute they\'re training me, they\'re probably giving up on their own responsibilities."

"How admirable, Ren," Her words came out with a hint of sarcasm,"I have no problem granting you access to the trial, Ren. It\'s by my own desire that I allow any who desire to take it, entrance. However--I must make sure you understand the gravity of the trial."

Before she could continue on, the door had swung open with a wooden wail ringing through the room

From where he sat, he couldn\'t see the doorway clearly, but the Sage obviously could as she muttered the sudden visitor\'s name.

"Iris--what brings you here?"

"I\'m sorry, Mother...I couldn\'t help but listen in."


Ren watched as the heart-captivating girl stepped into the girl, bringing with her an aura of light to the bleak domain of Beatrice.

"That curiosity of yours...I suppose it\'s a gift. Take your leave then, child--this is an important dis--"

"Ren is taking the Purgatory Trial, isn\'t he?"

It was the first time he heard Iris speak so adamantly, usually a shroud of meekness coiled her words as they left her shy lips.

"...I am."

He answered before Beatrice could speak in his stead.

"You can\'t--Mother, you can\'t let him go there!"

"Stop acting as if I\'m some helpless child, I\'m a grown man!"

The outburst came out before he could even think, he was just as surprised as them at the sudden bout of anger he displayed.

"...Iris, I\'m sure you haven\'t forgotten that I will not deny any which desire to enter the trial. I must respect their resolve, and do my best to help them grow."

"Then I\'m going with him."


Just as he had never seen Iris speak with such conviction, he had never witnessed the Sage express raw emotion like that. She had nearly toppled her teacup over as she swung her gaze to the girl, her mouth left slightly agape as speechless words left her trembling lips.

"Iris, I can\'t allow you--"

"You said it yourself, Mother, you won\'t deny entry to any who want to take the trial, right? So I\'m going."

The Sage was at a loss for words, a first for the woman who possessed almost boundless wisdom.

"Iris, you aren\'t trying to protect me are you…?"

"Who said anything about that? I just happen to want to get stronger as well, that\'s all."

Even if she said that, it was clear what her true intentions were. However, that forced brashness she wore in contrast to her usual self was adorable, so he decided to let her have her way this time.

"If this is how it must be...then so be it," Beatrice let out a sigh, "but, only on one condition: you both must take a year to prepare, then I will decide for myself if you two are ready."

--So she was going to just let me walk in there without preparing if it was just me--? I\'m hurt!

"Wait--a year?"

Ren latched onto the already heard words. In his current state of mind, patience was a forgotten virtue, possessing a sense of time equal to a child as he was impatient to strengthen himself.


Beatrice nodded her head, allowing her supple hair to drape over her slender shoulders.

"That\'s too long--the entire point of this was so that I could grow faster!"

The mystical woman watched him for a moment with her enchanting gaze, waiting before she spoke again.

"Ren, I don\'t think you understand the powers at play here. You\'re ignorant to the functions of this world--the Purgatory Trial is something even the greatest of warriors may meet their end in."

"...She\'s right," Iris backed her up.

"This doesn\'t make any sense--you told me that you wouldn\'t deny me access to the trial!"

Ren stood up from his seat, pointing his words towards the Sage.

"Calm down, Ren. She only wants what\'s best for us."

Iris\' words made him remember what Tristan had told him--"she only thinks of us as pawns".

"You mean she only wants what\'s best for you? It seems like she was fine about letting me go all by myself before you came into the picture."

"In case you had forgotten, Ren, our conversation was halted by Iris\' intrusion. Now, quiet yourself and allow me to finish speaking. You\'re correct--I won\'t deny you entry to the trial, that is, until you are at a satisfactory level of power," Beatrice\'s tone dropped, "as you are now, you\'re weak. You would be swallowed by the trial without little resistance."


Ren tried to reject her words, but they struck true. He was weak, that much was obvious to him. That\'s the entire reason he was even talking to her in the first place.

"It seems we\'ve come to an understanding. One year, Ren, that should be ample time to improve. Every day shall prove valuable, make them count. Don\'t forget that the only reason I\'ve even humored the idea of you entering the trial is I have complete faith in your potential, Ren."

Beatrice ended the conversation with those final words, clearly annoyed with Ren\'s aggressive attitude as she kept her eyes closed.

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