
Chapter 30 Am I Bin For Your Trash?

"Can\'t you eat these dead bodies too?"

Zoravec inquired with curiosity as he looked straight into her crimson eyes. Although his question left a distaste in her mouth as the woman did not expect something like that from him. The seemingly request itself was stupid simply because it was not possible.


Devi pulled a straight face not acknowledging what to reply to him that fast. Thus she pouted a bit with a glaring expression. Zoravec on the other hand was not sure what he did wrong this time. He had been having a hard time dealing with the demoness ever since her arrival.

"What do you take me for, huh? A bin that can contain every kind of trash?"

The demoness used the utmost harsh words which could make anyone realise their blunder. Zoravec was taken aback by her words, since it was the first time in that day she had used such degrading words for herself.

Although he knew it was his fault for forcing Devi in that kind of situation. The demoness stood up from the floor in angry expressions. She turned around and asked him without facing her master. Zoravec knew he made a big mistake and he had to apologise for it.

"Where do you want me to dispose these bodies? In some lake or burn them?"

Zoravec could sense the hurtful tone while she asked for further instructions. He immediately responded to her to burn those bodies. He did not want to leave any clue behind which could risk Devi\' safety.

However the question still remained there. Who called those cops? The answer was obvious. But perhaps Zoravec could not really accept it, and wanted to hear it from his mother.

Devi snapped her fingers and numerous portals appeared underneath the bodies. And all the cadavers vanished into those endless incinerators. It was unknown to him where the bodies went for burning. But one thing was certain that there was no proof now. Everything was back in the place now.

"Good job! That was impressive."

Zoravec praised her, assuming that it might ease the tension between them. But nothing happened, it was obvious that he needed to show his care to win over her heart. The question was, did Zoravec intend to do that?

Was that his intention now? Because the demoness was deeply hurt by his forceful marking, and now he had been talking to her like a lowly being.

Devi did not reply to him, instead walked over the pool of blood which was still there. Zoravec on the other hand had no idea how to deal with that. He raised his hand and raked through hair in utter annoyance.

"How should I clean up this mess now? Ugh, I can\'t ask mum to do this. She will panic seeing this…this massive amount of blood."

Although it was significant that Hecate might not panic upon witnessing such a huge pool of blood. After all, she was the one who called the foreign entity control squadron. Now the consequences should not be a surprise for her, well if she had not imagined the officers to get killed.

"Just absorb the blood. Your food is here and yet you are holding back. I don\'t know to be honest."

Devi had no clue how he was able to control blood lust despite having a shitton of blood spilled on the floor. It was enough to drive any vampire crazy and thirsty, but somehow Zoravec was able to control himself.

It was a mystery how it happened, but upon Devi\' words he became utterly confused. It was his first time feeding on blood, well in consciousness. Of course, the killing of Lyra and feeding on her did not count because his senses were clouded by the blood lust.

"What do you mean by absorbing the blood? How can I even do that?"

Zoravec threw back the question at her, which forced Devi to turn back to face him. The demoness rolled her eyes and gently facepalmed herself.

For a moment she almost forgot that he was a newbie to the powers. Zoravec had no clue what exactly his powers were and how he could take advantage of them. Thus, the demoness took the liberty to explain to him.

"My bad, I did not explain it to you."

She came forward and then hopped over the bed. Her bare feet which were wet with the blood now left a print over the bed sheet. But for now that was not a matter worth worrying thus he overlooked it.

Devi crept behind him and hugged Zoravec from behind. Her soft arms wrapped around his chest and rested over his heart. The woman knew that during the process his senses would fluctuate and he might get out of control. Thus she prepared beforehand.

"Now breathe in and try to pick up the smell of blood. Let it run through your senses and awaken your vampiric powers."

The demoness spoke softly and instructed him according to her knowledge. It was a basic one for the vampires but since Zoravec was a mixed blood it became a challenge for him to control his thirst.

"O- okay~"

He nodded and then closed his eyes with a long inhale, within a few moments he could smell a pungent scent. Just as the smell of blood ran through his system, a sudden surge of energy began to overwhelm his body. It appeared as a mild tremor which was pleasurable for him.

His eyes shone bright red as his breathing grew heavier. Devi on the other hand smirked as her fangs elongated and she licked his neck. The demoness was equally excited as him about the whole absorption matter. Devi\' eyes glowed crimson as she leaned in to bite his neck but halted just as her fangs were about to dig into Zoravec\' neck.

Something was off, an intimidating energy froze her.


Check out my other work:

"Evolution system: Rise of an irregular returnee"

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