
Chapter 104 - Come With Me

Aila\'s heart felt as though it would burst. She knew, of course, the hunters would come for her, eventually, but the lives of her pack laid heavily on her shoulders. Damon, her mate, if anything happened to him because of her, she could not bear it, her heart clenched just thinking about it. Chase was already dead because of her, and he was someone Silas was meant to have loved!

Aila turned her head back to the town and nearly jumped from the mind-link that came through to her, "Aila, where are you?  Are you safe?" It was Ajax.

"I am… What\'s happening?" She mind-linked the shapeshifter back while her eyes were trained on Gabriel. She was extremely wary of him now. The way he spoke and acted was unnerving. 

"Reinforcements have come!"

"Good. Was.. was Chase shot?" She asked.

"Chase? Oh, Silas\' son. No, I think.. No. Silas dragged him away with him." 

"What do you mean.. away with him? Silas is still alive?" She closed her eyes, pained, waiting for the news she knew was coming. 

"He\'s still alive. They raced off in a van after seeing the new arrivals.."

Aila opened her eyes again to see Gabriel a lot closer to her, his eyes searching hers. Her heart felt lighter, and her constricting chest relaxed. Chase was alive. But she didn\'t know how long for. Silas was intent on killing him for his betrayal. He might even be tortured first. She would not put it past him. 

Aila swallowed the lump in her throat and flickered her eyes away from Gabriel, ignoring him and quickly responded to Ajax, "Thank you for the update. I will be back in a bit."

"Take your time, seriously. It\'s mayhem here!" 

The line zapped out, and Aila once again gave her full attention to the white-haired vampire before her.

"Aila.. I will protect you. My security is impenetrable," Gabriel continued.

"What makes him think Alpha Damon won\'t protect us?" Malia hissed. Her wolf had been very quiet until now, and now she was making her feelings be heard. Aila could feel her strong emotions about Gabriel. She did not like him one bit. The first reasoning was that he was a vampire, and the second was that he acted as though their mate wasn\'t doing a dutiful job at protecting them.

"Your security didn\'t help you last time. Thank you for the offer, but I will stay with my mate," She snapped back at him.

At her words, his eyes hardened.

"I won\'t ask again" his voice dropped to an iciness she never expected from him. Her brows drew together as she searched his face. 

"Gabriel?" A sly smile crawled up Gabriel\'s face, and his eyes gleamed with the knowledge of something she did not know. But something, from the way he looked at her, seemed to click in place, a puzzle piece Aila was unaware she was holding.

"Who\'s Cass?" Her question caught him off guard, but his smile broadened, making him devastatingly handsome yet dangerous at the same time. 

"I don\'t know who this Cass is, but I know someone who goes by the name of Cassius.." He tilted his head, his smile not leaving his face and eyes glinting with amusement by his own words. 


His comment and reactions to the name made her brows knit together. Aila parted her lips to ask more about the person named Cassius when gunshots started firing in the town. Aila whipped her head to the side, her eyes widened in alarm, and she turned to go back. 

Gabriel grabbed her by the arm, "Do NOT be stupid enough to go back there. They are fighting to keep you safe and alive."

"I should be right there with them! If I am such an almighty, powerful werewolf.. then I better put myself to good use!" Aila snapped back and ripped her arm away, only for Gabriel to grab her other one and pull her back towards him. He brought his face down, so they were but inches apart. Aila tried to pull away, but his grip on her arm tightened, his true strength showing then, with the feeling of her bone almost shattering beneath his fingers.

His fiery gaze was burning right through her, and he spat venomously, "At least Amelia had the right sense of putting herself first."

"I am not Amelia!" She growled, "I have a heart, and yes, it bleeds for my friends, my pack, my family. Yes, you are a trillion years old, full of wisdom but no matter what you say right now.. I am not coming with you, and I am going to help my friends!"

Gabriel\'s eyes flickered between her own. A slither of amusement and admiration passed across his glacial glare.

"Do not say I didn\'t warn you," He finally said and released his fingers.

Aila snapped her teeth together and began running away from him. But before Aila could run off any further, Gabriel intercepted her, suddenly appearing before her and obscuring her view of the werewolves and hunters below. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Aila pursed her lips and altered her stance slightly. She did not want to fight Gabriel; hell, she didn\'t even know if it was possible; he was a 500+ year-old vampire. But she would if she had to. Her friends, her pack, was down there. 

Gabriel smirked at her small alteration, "I only wish to bid you farewell," his eyes flashed with amusement before he bowed forwards, seized her hand in his and lowered his lips softly to her skin, his eyes unwavering as he locked gazes with her. There was a longing in his eyes that flittered away as quickly as it appeared. 

Her gaze also lowered to his hand and to the signet square ring on his index finger. She tilted her head slightly after seeing the family crest along with a capital \'C\' in the middle. Gabriel snatched his hand away and smiled mischievously before his eyes became frosty once more, and his lips fell, "Next time, I will not be a gentleman and ask you. I WILL just take you."

And with that final sentence, he was gone.

Aila was gobsmacked by his parting words. Next time? Why would he go through such lengths to have her safe? Or was he really trying to keep her safe? Too many questions began swarming her mind from the departure of the vampire. Again! 

Aila shook her head and sprinted back towards the town. Her feet pounded against the wet earth as everything flashed before her eyes. 

"I don\'t like him," Malia began, "and I don\'t trust him. Even if he did kill those traitors for you.. I get the sense that he is after something.. I don\'t think this is the last time we will see Gabriel.."

Gabriel.. Cassius. His ring had the letter C on it. But he said he knew someone by the name of Cassius? Was he talking of himself? Again, the stupid vampire left her with these spiralling thoughts and questions. He definitely enjoyed seeing her squirm, trying to figure the mysterious vampire out. 

"I think his real name is Cassius.."

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