
Chapter 214 For what?

Chapter 214 For what?

It was already noon when Luo Xiaolei opened her eyes. The bright light made her shut her eyes from the glare as she lay there with her arm across her eyes. There was something that was struggling to break into her consciousness. Perhaps, a dream trying to be remembered.

Still groggy and dazed, Xiaolei moaned and rolled to her side. She felt like this was the longest sleep she had ever taken for a long time now. She felt satisfied, as if she finally made up from all those sleepless nights.

When she slowly looked around the room, Xiaolei creased her brows. No one was inside. She could see her bed across her. Wait... that’s my bed, why am I...

Xiaolei’s eyes widened as soon as she realized that she was in Yu Chen’s bed. And then, the previous day flooded back into her awareness.

\\"Yu Chen!\\" she gasped, eyes-wide.

She climbed out of the bed so fast that it made her head spin. She rushed towards the door and once she was out, she saw Juu leaning by the wall.

\\"Juu! Where’s Yu Chen?\\" she asked, frantically as she tugged the man’s shirt.

\\"They went out for lunch.\\" He replied and Xiaolei fnally calmed down. It seemed like yesterday was really real and that her Yu Chen was finally awake.

\\"Where? Please bring me to them!\\" she held the man’s arm and pulled him off the wall.

Juu simply nodded and began walking but after a while he paused.

\\"Uhm... I think... your shirt is a mess.\\" He said hesitantly as he glanced at her pajama top.

When Luo Xiaolei looked down, her jaw dropped. Indeed, her top was a mess. It was buttoned in a messed up way that part of her belly was exposed. Who the hell...

Luo Xiaolei couldn’t continue cursing and looked at Juu. \\"Who changed my clothes last night?\\" she asked with creased brows. She knew that Yu Chen didn’t have any female doctors or nurses and even if they asked a female nurse to change her, would they have messed up such a simple thing?

Juu innocently shook his head. \\"Chen was the only one with you last night.\\" He said and Xiaolei finally relaxed. She should’ve known that panda was the only one who could mess up something like this.

\\"Wait for me, I’ll go change.\\" She said and rushed back inside the room. She saw that there were already clothes laid out for her. Once she was inside the dressing room, Xiaolei couldn’t help but smile. She even naughtily took a photo of herself in the mirror to show the messed up shirt before she took it off. She started to imagine what Yu Chen did last night and she couldn’t help but feel curious. Especially when she realized she wasn’t wearing her bra and stockings. She was curious about his reactions and expressions as he undressed and dressed her and at the thought of it, she couldn’t help but blush.


In a dining room, Yu Chen and the twins had just finished eating and talking to each other when the door opened.

Simultaneously, the three turned their heads and the moment they saw Xiaolei standing there, they all stood.

\\"Mommy!!\\" the little buns were the first to rush towards her. Xiaolei bent down and embraced the little boys.

\\"Mommy, daddy has been so impatient waiting for you to wake up since this morning.\\" Rui said as he pulled away from her. Before Xiaolei could say a word back to her little bun, Rui leaned in on her and whispered in her ear. \\"We know you missed daddy so much so we will leave first. We will wait for you two at the house, okay?\\" The boy grinned at her and he dragged Ranran out of the door with him.

Speechless, Xiaolei slowly stood, looking at the door. She pressed her lips tight together, suppressing a smile. ’As expected with my sons,’ she said inside her before she finally turned and looked at the man still standing there, looking back at her.

Luo Xiaolei deliberately moved towards him. She remembered everything from last night. She remembered crying hard in his arms until she passed out. She remembered that he was wearing his cute panda costume when he suddenly barged into the conference room.

Seeing him again at this moment made her want to tear up again but she didn’t want to cry anymore. A smile carved on her face and then she jumped on him, and hugged him tight. She almost wanted to lift his feet off the ground and spin him around. She was just so happy, so happy she couldn’t think about anything else anymore but the need to hold him.

The endless questions which she wanted to ask him the moment he woke up didn’t pop out from her end at that moment and the first thing she asked the moment she pulled away from his embrace was...

\\"Are you the one who changed my clothes last night?\\" Xiaolei made sure to watch his every expression as she asked.

Yu Chen spaced out for a moment, just blinking at her. But after a while, he averted his gaze and his ears reddened.

He nodded, turning his gaze back to her, seemingly anxious as he waited for her reaction.

\\"You’re also the one who took off my bra and my stockings, right?\\" she asked again, teasing him obviously, but the innocent man didn’t even seem to realize it.

He blushed again, and scratched the back of his neck as he nodded shyly. His expressions at that moment, almost made Xiaolei’s blood gush out of her nose. Oh my god! He’s so cute...

Luo Xiaolei had missed this so much; his cuteness, his innocence in everything. She missed this feeling of being attacked by a certain irresistible thing called ’adorableness’.

\\"I’m sorry...\\" he suddenly leaned in on her, and leaned his forehead on her shoulder, seemingly hiding his face from her.

\\"For what?\\" she asked, doing her best to hide her smile.

\\"I...\\" he hesitated. \\"I accidentally ripped your stockings.\\"

Xiaolei: \\". . . \\"

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