
Chapter 106 Ch 104: It's Just A Feeling....But

"Ugh, someone, switch off the alarm before I break it. Who is the one who let it ring for this long anyway?"

Shaggy red hair perked up as the speaker raised her head. Annoyance flashed in her golden eyes as she glared at the alarm clock. Every moment caused her half-exposed breasts to giggle and she raised her arms lazily to work the kinks out of her body.

A yawn escaped her mouth as she did her best to surpass it. It caused her small shirt to rise on her tummy and exposed her muscular body. Her panties were loose on her hips and they gave a clear picture of what they were hiding.

"Bernetta, have some decency. What will someone think if they walk into this room and see you all spread out like that? It is the public disciplinary office, not a strip show club."

Shizue Harkins, the one who had spoken just now was an Asian beauty with straight black hair and deep black eyes. She was Bernetta\'s assigned partner and also her caretaker in a way.

She placed a pack of warm cup noodles in front of the sleepy redhead even as she looked her up and down in disdain.

"Awww, come on Shizue, relax and live a little. Everyone knows what kind of person I am and they never had any problem with my behavior before. Besides, I don\'t mind giving someone a show with this gorgeous body of mine. Look at my breasts. Aren\'t they a decent size?"

It was Bernetta who was cupping her breasts and pushing them out by placing her arms underneath them. But the one who went red at her actions was Shizue.

"Y-Y-You! Have some decency and wear your uniform properly. We have no time to be wasting here either. Did you not hear the alarm ring right now?"

Shizue cried out as her senses came back to her. She pointed her finger toward Bernetta who seemed the least bit interested in her actual job.

Any other serious worker would have stood up and made their way to the workstation to check what the alarm was about but Bernetta just ignored the alarm and did not even get up from her seat.

"Fuck the alarm, Shizue. Who cares about this annoying alarm anyway? I bet that it would all go quiet in a minute max."

Shizue was about to tell Bernetta off about her careless ways when the alarm stopped buzzing all of a sudden. This was something that had never happened before so they both did not know what to do.

Generally, no alarm meant that the matter of concern had been taken care of. And that was the big issue this time.

How can a situation solve itself when it had not even been reported to them in the first place? The only thing that made sense was if the bell had rung because of an error in the first place.

"Wow, I did not expect the bell to stop ringing this soon. I was joking around when I said my previous words."

Bernetta sounded shocked by the recent development. Her face was one Shizue would have made fun of if she was not equally shocked by what had happened before. There was no way the mainframe of their city had started to malfunction out of nowhere.

It needed to be checked thoroughly and then reported to the higher-ups if there was a problem in the mainframe.

"Shizue, pass me the controller. I will check things out for myself."

Bernetta\'s face was serious when she asked Shizue for this favor. Shizue was shocked to see Bernetta\'s serious face come out of nowhere since the girl hardly ever showed her real self.

This just spoke volumes about how dangerous this situation could get if they did not handle it carefully.

They both watched as Bernetta hacked into the system mainframe and accessed the footage from the main gate. It showed the usual local thugs harassing a passerby they had never seen before.

It was a usual scene and nothing out of the ordinary. There had been no reason for the mainframe to issue such a big warning sign to them.

There was something weird about this situation but Shizue was not able to put her hands on what was egging her. She just knew that there was something she was missing even as she watched the footage play out.

"Hey Bernetta, do you know who this person is? I can see that he managed to get past the security system because it says that he was born in this sector but I don\'t remember ever seeing him here. And he looks our age, right?"

Shizue was about to snap at Bernetta for her stupidity when she paused.

Most people would have ignored Bernetta\'s question and brushed her off once she spoke. This sector might be small but it had hundreds of people inside. So how was Shizue supposed to know if she had seen this man before or not?

However, Bernetta was right this time and it was only because of one contributing factor - the academy.

Believe it or not, there was a regulation when it came to childbirth in these \'government sectors\' and every birth was recorded. The number of births every year ranged from 10-20 and those who were the so-called \'blue blood\' were like celebrities.

And since the man on the screen looked to be similar in age to the two female officers, they should know who he was.

But they were both sure that they had never seen him before in their lives.

"His file says his name is Yohan Strout. I don\'t believe that there is a Strout family in our register which birthed a child. So did this man enter in here with a sake identity?"

Shizue summarized from what little she knew. But even as she spoke those words, she could feel how \'wrong\' it felt to even consider this as a possibility.

"No, what am I thinking? There is no way the mainframe can be hacked this easily. Even people like us, who have permission and authority to hack it, need to use tremendous amounts of resources and magi-craft to crack it. How can an outsider do it?"

Shizue\'s head hurt after thinking of all the possibilities. But there was no possible answer to the questions she had asked herself.

Bernetta also remained quiet but there was a curiosity in her eyes now. She was looking at Yohan like a starved animal that had just found its food.

"Bernetta, I am going to make a report about it to the higher-ups Don\'t you dare do something stupid."

Shizue was well aware of Bernetta and what she was capable of doing once she was fixated on something. And this man looked exactly up Bernetta\'s ally.

This worried Shizue a lot and she needed to make sure Bernetta did not cause any misunderstandings or break the well-establish peace for their sector. As a partner, Shizue would be held accountable and punished for not keeping Bernetta under control.

Shizue expected Bernetta to agree to her words for now but the redhead remained quiet for some time before she turned toward Shizue with determined eyes.

"Shizue, I am going to ask you for a favor and you are going to do it for me."

Shizue sighed and instantly denied the favor.

No way. I am not going to see you do something foolish. Don\'t tell me that you are thinking of going after this man alone!"

Shizue\'s bad feeling turned worse when all Bernetta did was smile back at her. And Shizue knew that she had hit the bulls-eye this time.

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