
Chapter 53 Ch 51: Death Is Inevitable...[Pt2]

This archangel was a demon even greater than Yohan and it made him itch to kill this angel.

‘I want a chance for revenge. It is not fair, none of this is fair. I didn’t ask to become a demon, nor did I ask to change my fate. Why did this happen?’

No one answered Yohan and his bitterness grew. So did his anger and his burning desire for destruction. It was all boiling over inside Yohan and he was gaining exp in every little situation.

Yohan could feel something inside him awakening for the first time. It was a power that he had never felt before but it was not scary.

In fact, Yohan was sure that this power would help him out a lot if he was able to wield it properly.



Power threshold reached. The near-death experience made the user gain their title as the ‘heir to the demon king.’

Would the user like to hit a soft reset? You will lose all the allies you have made and all your progress. You will also not be able to see your progress and level. But would you still like to try it?


‘Of course, I would.’

“Are you trying to escape? I don’t think you can because I will just find you again and again. You have no power to escape me.”

Yohan did not want to admit it but this archangel was right. Yohan indeed did not have enough power to deal with him. And it was all because he had wasted a lot of time.

It was not even a question at this point. Being this near death, Yohan had realized a few things. None of the allies he had made with force would have helped him long-term. They were all too weak because Yohan was too weak.

He had taken the easier approach of sex to gain a lot of allies but it was not going to be enough. He needed stronger allies under his command and to do that Yohan needed more power.

‘Next time, I will bind them all to myself and I will get stronger. I will have my revenge in the end and I will make all of the heavens fall under my feet.’

Yohan had a new goal now. He knew he was about to lose a lot but he would also gain time. Time which he could use to make himself stronger and wiser.

“Oi, what do you think you are doing? Get back here right now-”

But Yohan had already released his spell and his body was disappearing in a pillar of light. He would soon be reborn and live a new life.

In the depths of the forest, Yohan died, but in a far-away rich family, a new baby was born with silver hair and red eyes. Most people thought of this new child as an omen of death.

After all, how could both the mother and the father of the newborn baby die within the first 24 hours of being born? No one knew what to do with this newborn baby since none of his relatives wanted him.

They were just concerned about the will and property distribution. But they changed their tone pretty soon as soon as they realized that the child was the key to all the rights in the house.

If the newborn child died then all the assets would go to charity so they had no other choice.

This was how the next life of ‘Demon King Yohan’ began.

During the first five years, Yohan grew up like a normal kid. He did not show any signs of being a genius or knowing more about the world than he should. He did not even mingle with other kids his age.

But it was during his fifth birthday when everything changed. Some of the kids of the relatives could not handle Yohan and all the attention he got. They were jealous so they decided to push him into the lake.

Yohan did not drown but the incident of having his life put in danger caused Yohan to awaken his memories and his system to come back.



Welcome back Demon King Yohan. I hope you are ready to fulfill your revenge this time.



“You did it. Zadkiel, you did it. You managed to get rid of a huge annoyance in my back and retain my honor at the same time. You are the best.”

The little goddess jumped around in laughter as she felt happy after a long time. Finally, the others in the council had let her go since the demon king had died.

And not only that, but it had also made the little goddess famous among the heavens for her deeds. Everyone knew that she had issued the order for the demon king’s death.

“I am happy to see that you are happy, master. But do you need to dance around like this? What if someone sees you?”

Zadkiel didn’t sound like he was too concerned about the little goddess’s reputation but he sounded bored. Ever since he had returned from the human world, nothing fun or significant had happened.

The only thing people had to talk about was the death of the demon king and Ruri’s fall into a fallen angel.

No matter where Zadkiel went, this was all he was able to hear and it had bored him to death. He wanted to take a nap but his master would not allow him to.

“Zadkiel, you don’t understand how to bid on a deal this way. Not only was that demon king causing all kinds of trouble but he also made an angel fall into pleasure. How could I not be happy that such a person is gone?”

“But looking back at it, wasn’t it your fault that it happened? You were the reason a human was cursed into a demon?”

Zadkiel absently spoke it all, realizing that the goddess will fall for his tricks and take offense. All gods and goddesses had a pride bigger than the sky and they could not bear to be called ‘wrong.

“How dare you say that to me? Don’t you know that a goddess is always right? That is why he is given the highest authority by god. A demon could never hope to match us, right?”

“Of course you are right. You are indeed god’s favorite and he favors you a lot.”

Although Zadkiel said that, he was not so sure about it now. Not after he saw the previous demon king candidate disappear in a pillar of light that looked similar to the god.

The little demon had received the god’s favor and it had a lot of implications. It meant that the old treaty between the demons and the gods still held up to this day.

It was not a problem for Zadkiel but he was sure a lot of others in heaven would have a problem with this.

“By the way, why did you not bring his body back? I am sure a trophy like a previous demon king’s body would have fetched you good prestige. Have you seen the one in the central plaza? It is our pride and joy of our victory.”

“Of course, I have seen that. Which angel has not at this point? I would have brought that body back if I could but it was not something that was in my hand.”

“Huh, what do you mean?”

The little goddess sounded curious now but Zadkiel was done talking. He had nothing more to say so the little goddess could only puff her cheeks up and be angry at him.

“You are no fun. Fine, keep your secrets for now but do not forget who you serve. I will not forgive you if you ever betray me.”

Zadkiel had no thoughts of betrayal this far but he was getting closer and closer to the edge now. The more the little goddess and other gods spoke, the more they disgusted him.

But he was bound to the heavens because of his nature.

“Zadkiel, don’t forget that you and the other archangels are here because you have nowhere else to go. So, do not make us regret our choice to keep you alive back then.”

It gave Zadkeil a pause. Sometimes, it was impossible to forget just how long his ‘little goddess’ hade actually lived. She was well over twice his age but her mentality was that of a child.

After all, that was the price she had paid to get Zadkeil his seat in the archangels.

“Don’t worry, master. I know who I need to be loyal to and who I own my life to. The one who led me down the wrong path is long dead so I will forever cherish the god and his second chance.”

Zadkiel blew in front of the little goddess and bowed his head. And it was finally enough for the little goddess to look satisfied.

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