
Chapter 32 Ch 30: Realizing True Desires.

He had wanted to leave Ruri ruined and leave a visible reminder of his actions. But his brain and his system had reminded him that it would not be a good idea to do so.

Especially since Ruri was an angel.

It was annoying to see his woman being taken back by someone else but Yohan had no other choice.

He had more important things to do at this time. And the first on his list was to figure out who he was.

“System, show yourself up right now.”



Can I help you out?


The system screen was a source of Yohan’s annoyance but also a relief. And it was also the only thing that told Yohan anything he asked.

First of all, he wanted to ask what was going on here. Just because he had accepted what was going on around him did not mean that he accepted it all the same.

“System, tell me truthfully? Am I fully human?”

Yohan wanted to believe he was human but no human had powers like him. Also, the impulses he felt were more akin to a demon than a human.



The user is half-human for now. However, the curse of the goddess is causing your other half to rise.


So he was not fully human? Somehow that thought did not come as much of a shock as it should have.

But it did explain why Yohan was feeling weirder these past few days and why his thought process was changing.

“Am I a demon? Is the ranking system also linked to this situation? Does ranking up make me more demonic? Is that’s what going on?”

Yohan felt like he had a realization right now. He seemed to have figured out everything that he had not before.


The system cannot tell you this information due to low rank. The player needs to level up past lvl 15 to release their hidden information.


“Don’t give me that ballshit you shitty system. I thought that you were on my side and…….no forget it. I need to calm down.”

Yohan’s body was brimming with magic. He felt like he could do anything right now. It was a rather addicting feeling to have.

And that was why he also felt annoyed easily when things did not go his way. He now had an excuse that it was due to his nature.


User is taking all this information rather calmly? Do you not have any questions to ask?


“Calmly? Do you think I am calm? Well, I guess it would appear so. But I am confused and frustrated. I know being a demon is not a good thing but I cannot help but accept my nature. This desire, this carving for power, it all feels so natural. It makes me want to hold the world in my hand and dominate it.”

Yohan did not want to suppress his desires anymore.

The only reason he had held back so long and tried to ignore this part of himself was that it felt unnatural to him.

Everyone had always said to him to keep on laying low and never let others know how much evil there was inside him. Even his adoptive parents had cursed him out at one point.

Looking back at it, it seemed rather funny to have faced all that not knowing how right they were.

And now, Yohan was done holding back. Now that he had a taste of both power and authority, he wanted more of it.

Be it this world or the woman who attracted his eyes, Yohan would no longer hesitate to go after them.

It seemed like losing his virginity had made him realize how the world worked and Yohan would go out to make his mark on it.

“Oh, the last question. Are the people around me not human as well? Those sisters and mother of mine don’t look normal, right?”


In a dark room, the sealed girl smiled as she answered all the questions she was being asked by the curious half-human.

Yohan was the human the demons had been given as the new demon king. And no one could be more suited to this role.

The girl, also known as the system had to kick-start his desire train. But once she had, Yohan had ended up taking over.

Even now he was taking things rather calmly.

No, not only taking it all calmly but also thinking up ways to power up and increase his power. He had a hunger, unlike anything the system had seen before.

It would not be long before his desire ended up drowning the human world and making it a demonic kingdom. A lot of people would die as a result but Yohan did not seem like he cared much.

He might not know it, but he was adept at using people and then throwing them away when they were no longer needed. It showed in the way he left his sex partners alone after he was done using them.


The question you asked regarding your retainers cannot be answered right now. You do not have enough authority to ask that question.


There was no need for the system to deny Yohan all this information. It would not change anything even if he did know that he was living with more demons or that he was the next demon king.

But curiosity was a strong lure. The more Yohan desires to know something, the more he would try.

And slowly but surely, the small human part of his mind would also be consumed by his desire and he would end up becoming a demon fully. The system was just waiting for that time to come.

The system was busy gloating over his victory when he felt Yohan’s power surrounding her body.

“First, you lie to me and say that I will die if I don’t comply with your demands to level up. Now you ignore me and refuse to answer my questions? I would be more alert if I were you.”

Yohan was concentrating his aura on the system screen and it was somehow reaching the place where the system’s real body was sealed up.

She had never felt an aura like this before and it was terrifying to feel.

‘T-This is the true potential of a demon king? H-How terrifying it is.’

The mere fact that the system was not able to stand up straight after being blasted by that aura told everyone how strong it was.

Thankfully, Yohan decided to have mercy on the system and let her go.

“Looking back at it, a lot of people I know were busy to try and get me to let my desire out. Those sisters and mother of mine, as well as Zane. Even the people in the club were weird. They were all demons, right? And you better tell me the truth, system.”

The system felt a thrill go down her spine as she heard Yohan’s forceful questioning. They were making her shiver.


I want to tell you but I really cannot. But the user is on the right track with his thinking


It was a gamble the system seemed to be winning. Yohan looked half annoyed with the answers he got but he was also overall satisfied.

“Fine. I will let these questions go for now. But I will stop trying to intentionally hold back. I will release all of myself in this world so you better help me out as well.”

The system did not know how they got so lucky to get such an ambitious human. She had always felt like he was holding himself back but that hesitation was gone.

The mass of darkness and desire inside Yohan was so heavy that it made the system drool. Yohan was whatever demon desired to own and get power from.

He was a bundle of evil and the system was sure that he would not only make the human world bow in front of him but so would the heaven.

‘And to think that all it took was for Yohan to release his sexual frustration and to truly let himself go. I better tell the elders this good news.’

Everything might seem random right now but it had been all planned.

Now that Yohan was done sorting himself out and also gaining some experience over his desires, he was ready to conquer this world.

Soon, the world would see a new dawn of pleasure and dominance where the demons would rule. They would make up for all the wrongs that had been done against them.

And the one who will build that empire for them would be Yohan. He would become the best and mightiest demon king there was.

He had even started his reign by making an angel fall from her heavenly grace. Ruri, that girl from before had been defiled and there was no way heaven would take her back to that state.

She would have no choice but to become a fallen one now.


Finally, Yohan is done holding back and we can start the real story. Of course, there will be a lot of smut ahead as well.

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