
Chapter 7 It Worked

Lucas shook himself with rage, his resentment of this person smouldering within him. He wanted to torture him and - better still - kill him.

Suddenly he felt a good amount of energy flowing through his veins, and an unspeakably evil smile showed up on his face.

He wanted to kill him.

"So, where should we start?" Lucas asked him again in an arrogant tone.

He was sure he would win.

The man just stood there in shock, not knowing what exactly had just happened, but he was also ready.

Lucas stretched his neck and began to approach him, his speed was unlimited by a pill he had taken. He was beside him in less than two seconds

Lucas stood in front of the thing\'s face and punched him full force in the face. The man was knocked back a little by his punch, \'I can win!\' Lucas felt a small joy inside him.

He did not stop there, because he had played many video games before, so he knew not to end everything with one punch. He went at him again with incredible speed and kicked him with his leg.

The attacker lied on the ground, the blow was strong.

Without waiting for a counter-attack, Lucas moved closer to him and pulled the gown off his head. He saw a human-looking person in his twenties with a strange purple eye colour looking straight at him.

He had a strange scar that looked like it had been burned with something under his eye. He looked like a man, although he had long silver hair, he looked masculine.

The man, without allowing Lucas to stare at him again, struck Lucas\' leg with his staff and stood up. Lucas bent his knee and lost control of the situation.

The man started muttering some strange words in a very strange language, "Mirura Raskila" and a black hole appeared in front of him.

Lucas was confused for a moment and wondered what was happening right now. He had no control over his own body and he was pretty much moving by himself, but his thoughts remained the same.

"Is that the only power you have?" Lucas smirked again, \'what am I saying?" He was at odds with his own voice at the moment.

"You don\'t know what the real power is." The man replied in a robotic voice. His voice sounded damaged to Lucas.

"Oh, would you show me your little power?" Lucas spoke sarcastically, "what the hell?" his own thoughts were at odds with his physical body.

Without waiting for anything, Lucas ran towards the man, not thinking about the black hole behind him, \'Nah, stop!\' his inner thoughts ran against him.

He leapt into the air and went for a punch to hit him in the face, but the man just jumped into the black hole and disappeared

Lucas landed on the sticky grass instead, no punch greeting the mysterious man. \'What the...\' he thought, looking around to see where he\'d disappeared to.

"You can\'t beat me." The same robotic voice appeared from above.

Lucas lifted his head and saw the man come out of the hole and point his staff at him, ready to attack. \'That fu*king wanker attacking from behind again.\' Lucas moved his body quickly to avoid the attack.

"So you only attack from behind, you country bumpkin?" Lucas sounded confident again. \'No, what\'re you doing? Just take Kali\'s body and run, you fool!\' Lucas\'s inner thoughts spoke to him again.

"Shut up you fucking coward." Luca\'s body made a statement on its own

The mysterious man froze. He didn\'t know if this was addressed to him or if Lucas was talking to himself.

"Shut up?" He repeated Lucas\' sentence.

"Farmer, I wasn\'t talking to you. Your life will be over when I\'m done with this crybaby." Lucas spoke up again. \'Crybaby? Are you talking to me?" Lucas asked himself.

"Yes, to you. You\'re so weak you need me to defend you." Lucas\'s physical body replied to his inner one. \'Who needs who? Who\'re you?\' Lucas asked the physical body who was in control right now.

"You\'re weak," Lucas replied loudly.

The man stood there with great confusion on his face, he thought Lucas had gone mad for insulting him in this way, and while he was concentrating on something else, he decided to strike again, but this time he had to finish it.

He raised his staff and put his robe back on his face, "You insolent creature dared to insult me." He lowered his head and muttered some words again, "Izota Minera," a bright light appeared from the sky that looked like lightning and struck Lucas\'s body.

The atmosphere was charged with dangerous electrical energy, no human would be able to withstand that kind of pressure in his body.

Pain filled Lucas\'s head and a deep ache was felt in his bones. The feeling was stabbing and it felt as if a million times his body was being stabbed at the same time, it was unbearable.

Lucas lost consciousness and his body felt like it was on the floor.

He looked dead and defeated

"So, finally you shut up." The man spoke as the same black hole appeared in front of him. He smiled as he looked at the dead body of Lucas and jumped into that hole from behind and disappeared with him.

[System activated.]

[Avatar #302.]

[Power. 20]

[Energy. 20]

[Destruction. 0]

[The Avatar: Izek3000]

The system spoke again.

[Recovery is required.]

[Recovery is required.]

*Wooo* *weee* *Wooo* *weee*

It made an alarming noise like before.

While Lucas and Kali were lying on the floor without consciousness, a girl with blue hair appeared in front of them.

She didn\'t look very friendly and helpful, but the job is a job.

"Sigh, what happened to those two?" She sounded uncomfortable.

She didn\'t feel like being here at all, she was busy with something else.

She approached Kali\'s body first and lifted Kali\'s head with her right foot, \'she\'s cute\' she thought and moved to Lucas\'s body.

His body was hit by lightning. All his skin looked burnt and damaged, you couldn\'t even see his face properly. It was too damaged to even guess who this person was? \'oh, an unlucky one, I see.\' The woman spoke in a low voice.

\'Aish, let\'s go.\' She whistled, and three huge serpents appeared before her.

"Take these bodies and bring them to the village to the master, he\'ll know what to do." Her voice was as cold as her posture.

The snakes made no sound, simply slithered beside their bodies and wrapped themselves around them. A red light appeared and they all vanished into thin air.

"Myroka has caused another problem." She sighed and looked up.

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